Social Distancing vs Physical Distancing – There IS a Difference

Social Distancing is WRONG. Social Connecting is RIGHT. Physical distance is right.

As we all retreat to our homes and self-quarantine we need to CONNECT more.

And do it visually. Facetime, Zoom, etc etc.

If you are team leader, now leading a remote team, conduct a 10-15 minute call each AM to ask what they are working on, top 3-5 priorities for the day. How did yesterday go? How are you? …CONNECT.

You cannot lead your team by text and email. Use the technology to connect. Text and email help you manage tasks. Video helps you maintain connections.

Stay safe and wash your hands.

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"Wally’s presentation was fast paced, engaging and right on target. His mix of personal adversity and success was inspiring to our management team. I’ve received countless accolades from my staff regarding Wally’s presentation. More importantly, Wally was able to incorporate our Corporate Values and Culture into his presentation. I would highly recommend Wally Adamchik and look forward to inviting him back for future presentations."

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