Wally Adamchik Biography

The bio below can be edited to fit your needs for your promotional material. For the specific introduction for your meeting Wally will work with you to insure a tailored and most current biography.

In his youth, Wally Adamchik worked with his father and brother in construction. Both master craftsmen, they insisted upon and produced top-quality work.

He learned more about excellence from his mother, who was the first woman to referee a basketball game at Madison Square Garden.

At the University of Notre Dame, Wally was the mascot where he led 65,000 people on every football Saturday.

As an Officer of Marines, Wally deployed throughout the world in training, peace-keeping, and combat operations. First, in a tank battalion and then, as the pilot of AH-1W Super Cobra attack helicopters.

Always seeking a new challenge, Wally entered the hyper-competitive private sector. He was recognized for superior performance and award-winning leadership at two national restaurant companies. At the same time he earned his Master of Business Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

He is the President of FireStarter Speaking and Consulting and serves today as a consultant, speaker, and author. His new book, NO YELLING-The Nine Secrets of Marine Corps Leadership is getting rave reviews.

He understands the Fortune 500 firm as well as he does the family business and is able to tailor his approach to make an impact in both. He has been quoted in Fortune Small Business and many national trade publications.

Please welcome – Wally Adamchik

"I've had some very positive feedback from many of our employees and you definitely made a very constructive impact on our organization. I'm confident the day we invested with you will serve as a catalyst for an outstanding year and beyond!"

Wayne E. Clayton, CSP
Safety Director/RiskManager
Stark Excavating, Inc.