Your workers are overqualified

A recent Work Watch survey of a national sample of 1,006 adults aged 18 and older who are currently employed full or part time reports that 97% of respondents consider themselves qualified or OVERqualifed to do their current job. The kicker on this is they still want training to do it better. Much of this desired training is in soft skills of leadership and communication (we can help you there!)

The deeper message for you though is that people are not being challenged at work. We have dumbed down so much work and have taken decision making out of the hands of front line people as a way to manage risk. Communication tools enable you to always be in touch. In this case they act as a leash not letting employees think and grow.

The reason your staff may appear bored and not engaged is because they ARE bored because you are not challening them. Why don

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" was one of the most dynamic and interesting talks I have ever witnessed on general leadership and effective management. I thought it was very interesting to see how you approached the topic from the bottom up -- from the grunt's perspective. This made the topic very easy for me to relate to and gave me ideas on how to develop the leaders I am responsible for."

Noel S. Salac, P.E.
Construction Engineer
Nebraska Dept. of Roads