Your "Go To" Guy (or gal)

Who is your go to person? You know, the person you go to when you absolutely, positively have to have something get done. (You might be that person for someone else too but that isn’t the point on this one)

Some people are better than others but why aren’t more people better? Well, if you keep going to the same person to get things done you are sending a message to others that you don’t think they can do it – in which case they will not do it. You are also NOT developing them or helping them get better so at some point they can do the task. So, maybe it is partly your fault.

If someone is not performing to the appropriate level or meeting expectations have you told them? All too often we use our “go to” person and never even address those we don’t go to. A recent survey indicated that 8% of managers believe less than 5% of employees perform consistently at a “go to” level.

Successful organizations raise the bar and help people get over it. They don’t make it higher for the few who can get over while taking it away for the rest.

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2 Responses to “Your "Go To" Guy (or gal)”

  1. jean Says:

    I am that "go to person"…and the surveys are correct….5 percent is a gernerous assesment of the employees that are at a "go to" level…we are at a unique time in our lives….the Baby Boomers have done their 25 years and are just shy of qualifying for pensions, benefits and insurance….How about giving me a bit of encouragement. I see the younger employees below me, expecting,(I mean just expect it to fall into their laps) to be the next succesor…without putting an ounce of effort into it…Its just the way it is Walter….Your on the right track…you just need to broaden your target audience

  2. Wally Adamchik Says:

    I was just talking with someone today about this. The Boomers will have to move aside but they will also live longer and their 401k is decimated. So, they are less inclined to move aside.

    On the other side we have the Y gen who have been raised with a sense of entitlement.

    The only way this gets resolved is to have some real and open communication in the workplace. Face to face, heart to heart. It might not be easy but it is where mutual respect starts.

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