Who is John Galt?
Until two days ago I had no idea….
I drove from Florida to NY this week to reposition a car for my Mom as she rotated back north for the summer. 19-20 hours of driving. We call this “doing the good son thing.” I decided to get some audio books.
While I was driving I saw a billboard – Who Is John Galt? As I said, no idea, except that at that very moment I had just started listening to Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It is a big book (11.5 hours of audio) but one I have heard of from many people in business who cite it as a major influence on their lives. I agreed with much of what I heard.
How ironic that at one moment I had no idea of John Galt and the next I am listeing to a book with him as a character and I SEE A BILLBOARD with a line from the book. (Cue the twilight zone music……) Not sure what that all means.
I suggest you learn abit more about the book. Maybe take a 12 hour drive or better yet read up on it on Wikipedia or find the cliffs notes. Interesting stuff.
Now…about that billboard….
“Wally has lots of energy, is passionate, and keeps your attention.”
Christy Kovac
Sheridan Construction