Who is John Galt?
Until two days ago I had no idea….
I drove from Florida to NY this week to reposition a car for my Mom as she rotated back north for the summer. 19-20 hours of driving. We call this “doing the good son thing.” I decided to get some audio books.
While I was driving I saw a billboard – Who Is John Galt? As I said, no idea, except that at that very moment I had just started listening to Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. It is a big book (11.5 hours of audio) but one I have heard of from many people in business who cite it as a major influence on their lives. I agreed with much of what I heard.
How ironic that at one moment I had no idea of John Galt and the next I am listeing to a book with him as a character and I SEE A BILLBOARD with a line from the book. (Cue the twilight zone music……) Not sure what that all means.
I suggest you learn abit more about the book. Maybe take a 12 hour drive or better yet read up on it on Wikipedia or find the cliffs notes. Interesting stuff.
Now…about that billboard….
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