Whale Ho!
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I went to the National Speakers Assn convention in Anaheim…While there I went whale watching. Really, I did. AMAZING…(also went to the LaBrea Tarpits)
Here was my quandary. What if I pay my money, go on the boat and the whales don’t show? I guess it would be a three hour boat ride without my cellphone…but what if they did show? I live in landlocked Raleigh, NC. There are no whales here. Even our beach three hours away doesn’t have whales. (no jokes here, cmon) SO, this would be a rare opportunity where I had the time to do it.
WOW….WOW…BLUE WHALES!!! 70 feet long! Several of them only twenty yards or so from the boat..and then dolphins, hundreds of them..wow.
The point! Life happens everyday but do we choose to live it? What opportunities to live it are you passing up on? SOOO many people are waiting for something else or for another day. We also all know people who never got the chance to do the thing they were waiting to do.
This all gets back to balance and re-energizing yourself. If you cannot do this you will not lead at your highest level. Today I spoke at a board retreat and I told the whale story. Now I am telling you.
"I want to personally thank you for helping to make NJCUL’s Leadership Conference such a huge success. Your presentations were full of relevant information and very well received. From that first meeting in Baltimore last year, I knew you would be great – and you were!"
Yvette Segarra
Manager of Special Events
New Jersey Credit Union League