Virtual, Interactive, On-Demand Leadership Training

Most of you are still working hard on construction sites across the country. BUT some areas are shutdown and have a bit of time on their hands. Since some people have asked about this….

Yes, I do have an online offering. Have had it for years and it is really good. Not some boring recorded webinar being repackaged just to make some money. This is designed for online and it delivers.

Consider some virtual, interactive, on-demand leadership training. Access from phone, iPad or computer. Quizzes and accountability built-in. Link to example here.

Heck, we get enough people to do it I can do a live virtual session to recap it and take it to the next level.

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"As a result of the session you delivered to my group, using “No Yelling” as the guide we have experienced an exceptional start to our 2009 construction season. Safety as usual is paramount, and our production rates have exceeded even my high expectations. There has been a positive shift in ownership from all that attended, which leads me to believe we could have the same success if we did the same kind of training with our front line labor force."

Bob Peeke
Construction Manager
Alberta Highway Services Ltd.