Using assessments to make more money in business
I am a fan of assessments. We use a number of them depending on the situation. We use them in training programs, one on one coaching and in selecting the best person for a job. The problem with assessments is they are a revenue stream for the provider. In other words, I (and most everyone else using them) make money when we use them. Why is this a problem? Because you get some providers who are more interested in delivering assessments (and making money) than they are in doing the right thing for your organization.
Anytime you get assessments in the conversation you must ask the objective of the assessment. What is it really testing? How is it doing that? Is it statistically valid with a depth of research to support the results.
PreVisor, a employee selection and assessment agency, asserts that integrating assessments into the hiring process along with structured interviews reduces turnover by 10%. There is a clear and measurable benefit to this and they provide a pretty cool online calculator to run some numbers. Here is the link to the calculator
We are all busy and anything we can do to help us be more effective is something we should look at. Integrate the proper assessments into your business and you will be more successful.
"At first I was a bit skeptical... but you were able to slowly rule over my skepticism with your candid stories, accurate information on ‘true’ leadership and your closing statement. “Here are the tools; I have not given you application but merely the tools to be great leaders.” Your stories about the next generation and not forcing them to “pay their dues” really struck a chord as well as your analysis of generation Y and their constant need for information…"
Dan Cullen
JP Cullen & Sons, Inc.