Two downs

Recognize that the higher you go in an organization the more distant you are from the actual work and from the people doing the work. If you supervise people who supervise people you might consider doing “two down” interviews from time to time.

In these conversations you are meeting and talking to people who are two down from you in the chain of command. These are not an end run to undercut the manager reporting to you but they are a way to open the lines of communication to more people in your organization. You hear from they and they get to hear from you.

This simple communication tool is a very effective way to foster communication. I tell you this because I was reminded of it today as I watched, and listened to, the President of the company talk to his front line supervisors. Initially the conversation was one way but it eventually opened up and there was some serious and valuable dialogue.

Give it a shot.

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Stark Excavating, Inc.