To caffeine or not to caffeine…

Was reading an article about ways to maximize personal productivity. They interviewed some uber productive people.

One of them swore by getting up early, NOT having caffeine and getting in a work out.
The other one was a fan of the cup of java followed by the workout
Another person had a room temp cup of espresso that had been made the night before (seems like alot of effort)
Yet another went to the gym and then had the java
and there was that crazy person who drank the java in the AM and the gym in the afternoon..

Please do note that the common thread was exercise. But beyond that THERE WAS NO ONE ANSWER….What works for you? Do it. It is February, the gym is a little less crowded this month than last month. But you need to find your own way.

Me? I hate to work out in the AM. Preferred time is 12-5 window. Yes, I do work out in the AM when needed. Tonight I went at 7PM. I adjust but I have a prime time that I know works for me. Television has a prime time, what is yours?

OH yeah, none of those productive people drank a large diet coke in the AM…maybe I am on to something..maybe not..but it seems to work for me..What works for you? Find your way, make it your way, and then live it to the max!

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One Response to “To caffeine or not to caffeine…”

  1. Van Sickel Says:

    I agree with you on this one Wally. The common thread is exercise and healthy habits. Along with increased productivity, side effects of a healthy lifestyle may also include decreased health care cost, increased work place morale, reduced absenteeism, reduced sick leave, and increased levels of individual responsibility. If you get a chance check out a crossfit box in your area. It will be one of the best decision you ever make.

    Keep up the good work!

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