Tiger Who? Said the Lama
I have always been a fan of the Dalai Lama. I read his book, The Art Of Happiness, a few years back and it got my attention. Good stuff. Now the AP reports that he doesn’t know of Tiger Woods! How cool is that? We are talking about a guy truly operating on a different plane.
I remember at a National Speakers Association convention a few years back my, now deceased, mentor Bill Brooks told the audience of professional speakers, “Remember, 99.9% of the people in the world have no idea who you are.” In other words, dont let too many of the accolades you might receive go to your head. I laughed when he said it and I still love that line as I meet speakers who aspire to greatness. More often the greatness is in their own mind. I simply aspire to make a positive impact and to be good person.
As for the Lama? I hope he would be proud of me.
As for you? How are you doing on the humility scale today?
“Great information! Practical thoughts I can take back and actually use with my people at all levels of the company.”
Jennifer Horton
Collins and Arnold Construction Co.