Things are changing – REALLY
I have been thinking a lot about the economy and how things are so different today then they were in post World War II when the current system came together. I want to talk about that but I got a video today that also underscores the fact that the world of today, and tomorrow is VERY different than that of yesterday.
It is well worth four minutes of your life because your life is changing, because your world is changing. Maybe the automakers in Detroit should look at this. The video gets you thinking about change. Of course, leadership is about change too.
If that link doesn’t work. Just google “Sony BMG Rome 2008” and you will get several hits. Some of them have dead links but the one from YouTube is still working.
"Unbelievable, surprising, entertaining… What a great example to have the speaker use actual comments from the President's monthly letter to the membership to drive home his point…"
David A. Bass
Director of Monthly Programs –
New Jersey MPI