The Power Is In The Planning
Germany just cancelled Oktoberfest. What will you have to cancel? Have you thought that far? Probably not because you are trying to make it through the day/week.
It is tough to look to the future but there really is something you should be doing now to be recovery ready.
Scenario Planning – there are 4 options to consider.
Best Case, Worst Case, middle option, and finally the roller-coaster.
From a labor and productivity perspective have you considered an A Shift/B Shift to reduce cross contamination while increasing production? A week in the office, then a week at home?
What about opt out scenarios for people not comfortable coming to work for health reasons? Will you make them take personal time? (Would you do that if they complained about fall protection?)
This will all be DIFFERENT, this is called change and 73% of construction executives agreed that change initiatives often fall short.
Don’t let that be you. And remember the power is in the planning not the plan because the plan will change but you will have thought it through.
Put together several cross-functional teams and have them answer the “What If..” questions.
Call me. Happy to brainstorm with you. I have time.
"Thanks for a fine presentation at UCT. I finished your book and it was a great read! After reading, I put together several pages of key points that I will try to work into my daily thought process."
Kevin Miller
Miller Pipeline