The Marines and Power Rangers vs the bad guys….

A Marine buddy sent this to me when the Pentagon 9-11 Memorial was dedicated a few years back…he is talking about his two sons

George and Trip saw a few minutes of the 9-11 Dedication Ceremony at the Pentagon yesterday.  They were excited because they recognized the Pentagon as a place that they had recently visited.  They began to ask — Why all the People?, What is  Happening?, etc…  I gave them the briefest explanation possible explaining that the “bad men” flew a plane into the  building…and the people were there to remember friends and family who were hurt or killed.

This morning at breakfast George was obviously still processing this information…He asked why the bad men flew into the building and then said, “Don’t worry Mom, the Power Rangers and Marines will get those bad men.”

Sounds easy, does hard but the principle is on target. I was in NYC on 9/11. Not Manhattan but I watched the whole thing…Today is a sad day but it is inspiring to see the unity and pride across America. We may have our problems but we are the greatest nation in the world. I have been to nearly 40 countries so I say that with great certainty.

God Bless America…

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