The King is dead…long live the (new) King….are you royalty too?

I never realized all that beer I drank would lead to a major business news headline. You probably didn’t either.

Coors Light is the new number two beer in America. It is behind Bud Lite but just displaced Budweiser – the King of beers in the number two position. Oh, the agony. Isn’t it bad enough that the King was sold to a foreign firm a few years back but now the King is barely a Prince.

It can happen to youuuuuuuuu…..put that to music. I don’t care how iconic your brand, or how strong your customer relationships, or seemingly secure your market position…you can be beat. and you will be beat if you do not work to stay in the lead position.

I had a client once who remarked he was worried. He was now the leader in his market. He said, “for years we were Avis, we tried harder, but now we are Hertz. What now?” Great question.

The King isn’t even Avis anymore…where are you in all this. Personally? Professionally? your business?

What are you doing to stay on top of your game?

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