The Economy Made Me Do It

I was writing an article for my column on Military.Com and I thought I would share the principle with you also. I was telling service members considering leaving active duty to make an informed decision and not let the current turmoil on Wall Street and in the economy play more of a role in their decision than it should. They should consider all aspects of their transition and realize that jobs are not as plentiful today as they were a few years ago but employers are always looking for good people.

I think this advice applies to all of us right now. Obviously if you work on Wall Street this advice is less valid but for the larger audience my advice is this – stay the course. Now is not the time to be making hasty decisions. When I say stay the course I am not suggesting you blindly stay where you are. I am suggesting you continue to live your life as you were a few weeks ago. If you were looking for a job, then keep looking. It means prudent spending and investing. It means continuing to do the best work you possibly can because excellence drives excellence. It means continuing to work on developing skills and maintaining a great relationship with the people in your life who truly matter.

Many a wise person has said, “this too shall pass,” and I agree. Of course, you know I am not advocating ignorance. I am simply saying that you are in control of your life and your actions. Don’t let the front page news get you off your game.

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