Talk about talking
I conducted a seminar for a group today on advanced communication. Previously we had used the DiSC profile to establish a foundation. In the weeks since that initial session communication has improved at the firm. How? People are talking about talking. They are using the session and the assessment as the platform to have conversations about how they get along and how they interact.
Today we used the Thomas Kilman Instrument (TKI) which is about understanding your conflict resolution modes. There are five ways to solve conflict, any of which can be effective, none of which is always right. So, today we got them talking about the team dynamics and the styles of team members. Again, conversation about conflict resolution.
The best time to talk about how to fight the battle is before you are in battle. You can’t decide how to resolve conflict when you are in the midst of conflict. The best time to talk with people about managing conflict is before it happens.
Now is as good a time as any. Go ahead.
If you aren’t sure how to start, give me a call and we can talk about it.
"I have received so many very positive comments about your workshop. Most importantly, the evaluations and the one-on-one feedback indicate that the participants picked up information and tips that they plan to apply both in their business and in their chapters."
E. Colette Nelson, Executive Vice President, American Subcontractors Association