Supporting our leaders

The election is over. In January our nation will have a new President and I support him. The election campaigns have been long and we are all ready to move on. The problem is that some people will not move on. They will linger in the polling data rather than move forward. I may not agree with all the ideas of our new President but I will support him. There is a lessson for us here at work too.

Unless our boss is unethical or abusive we should support them. We may not like them but we should support them. Our leaders are human but we expect them to be perfect. I am not sure this is fair. I certainly want them to be their best but I understand they will not always be. As employees do we offer our support or do we find reasons to object and obstruct? Do your employees support you or do they object and obstruct?

Much like in the election, give them something to believe in and they might support you.

This transition of power is a defining moment in our history. Take a moment to consider that. And be thankful that we live in this great nation.

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