Some loose ends…
You may remember back in January I played in an alumn ice hockey game with some guys I had not seen in 25 years….it was great fun…we did another game this past weekend. The soreness is wearing off but not the good feeling of connecting with people. We played til 11:30 PM and they socialize til 3AM (bars are open later in NY!). Anybody you’d like to reconnect with?
Earlier this week I talked about the importance of data…over the course of the year and in a meeting on Monday a client expressed concern about how the year was going to turn out….on Wednesday he looked at the aggregated financials for the entire enterprise and they are up 50% from last year. (Something to be said for diversification there). While it was feeling bad because the hit rate on getting new work was low and the margins seemed low, upon further review, things are actually better.
Finally, we were able to show someone we are coaching the extreme of his behavior when we portrayed it on a bell curve and he could see where his scores fell in relation to the general population. He went from “I am not that bad,” to “wow, I didn’t realize how bad I was.” We back that up with a 360 assessment if needed and the guy gets clarity.
In other words, all this leadership stuff works!
"As a result of the session you delivered to my group, using “No Yelling” as the guide we have experienced an exceptional start to our 2009 construction season. Safety as usual is paramount, and our production rates have exceeded even my high expectations. There has been a positive shift in ownership from all that attended, which leads me to believe we could have the same success if we did the same kind of training with our front line labor force."
Bob Peeke
Construction Manager
Alberta Highway Services Ltd.