Service by Joe

Yesterday I played golf. After 9 holes I made a quick pit stop. I wasn’t going to eat or even get a soda. I just wanted to get back on the course.

As I left the building one of the servers in the restaurant waved to me, “Hey, Mr. Adamchik. How are you?” Of course, I waved back, said great and got in my golf cart. And there it was, a diet coke. Joe had gotten a diet coke and put it in the cart. I hadn’t asked him, he simply did it because I usually do get one when I am at the restaurant. Great service

Do you have a Joe working for you? What about a platoon of Joe’s? What causes someone to act like Joe? Certainly there is something inside of someone that causes someone to think and act that way. We also know that environment drives behavior and leadership creates the environment. So, there is an internal and an external aspect to me getting that diet coke.

Does your hiring process help you find people like Joe? Does your leadership create an environment where people want to be like Joe? I know what you may think but ask your customers, just to be sure.

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2 Responses to “Service by Joe”

  1. BJ Says:

    Great thread, hopefully you were able to tell his boss. I think it’s something that comes from training (you can be trained to provide customer service) and just purely wanting to do a good job. The diet coke was the second indicator, the first was that he knew your name and addressed you cheerfully. All boss’ would love to hear about an employee like this.

  2. Wally Adamchik Says:

    You are so right. I have not been back to the course to tell the boss but you know I will. And you know I will give Joe a huge tip next time also. Thanks bj

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