Scorekeeping and scoreboarding

Here is the scoreboard at the Masters on the 16th hole. Notice there was no score kept on Monday…while very interesting to be there certainly not the excitement and anxiety of a day when the scores mattered.

We LOVE to know the score. We want to know who wins and by how much…it is part of who we are as Americans and as people.

SO, how good a job do YOU do in scoreboarding. I am not worry about scorekeeping, I know you do that whether you tell people or not, you are keeping score. Might be formal as in the accounting system. Might be informal as in saying to yourself that it is the fourth time that guy came to work late.

I also know you do a poor job of scoreboarding. Of not only knowing but communicating the score.

We all have a need to light up the scoreboard. Are you meeting that need for your people?

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