Retail Madness

Last century there was a thing called a catalog store. You went there to look at a catalog of things you were interested in, found one you liked and then ordered it. The object would arrive a few days or weeks later.

This week I discovered that the catalog store is alive and well in the office supply business. My office was a mess so I decided to get a new file cabinet so I could hide the mess. I went to three national chain office supply stores (you know who they are) to buy a standard two-drawer cabinet. NONE of the stores had it in stock. They would be happy to order it for me and have it delivered. NEWSFLASH – I can do that myself on the internet. OK, how about that shelf over there. NOPE, don’t have it. OK, how about that data transfer cable. NOPE.

Why bother having a store if you are not going to stock anything that people want? I know about stocking levels and sales volumes but this was three standard things I wanted that they didn’t have. While I am sure they view this as an efficient way to do business (don’t we always have the answers when we view things from only our perspective?) it wasn’t helping me.

So, I went home and ordered online. I get free shipping, they pay for it. I pay the same price I would pay at the store. Doesn’t seem smart to me. But even worse, I am disgusted with one of these retailers who I use on a very regular basis. They are regularly out of stock of things I need. I know I can go online and I guess I will but that really isn’t my preferred way of hitting the easy button.

How customer friendly are you? How do you know? I know this retailer thinks they are doing the right thing and you may too. Just double check that you aren’t making the easy button the impossible button.

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