Report From Las Vegas – ConExpo2011 Part Two

During one of my sessions we used an audience response system. These are little keypads that people vote with when you ask them a question. It is immediate feedback. Great technology but my topic didn’t support it as well as I would have liked. Anyway, one of the questions we asked was about employee engagement. We asked if it was an issue, the range of replies was from “no issue” to “significant issue,” with three choices in between. So, it was a five point scale.

No Issue 5%
Slight Issue 25%
It is an issue 35%
Important issue 25%
Very Significant Issue 10%

In other words, 35% of the audience reported big challenges with employee engagement and 35% more saying it is an issue. Wow. There are a number of things that drive employee engagement. Of course, you will not be surprised to hear solid leadership is one of the key drivers. Not all of these employees are bad but they are perceived as not really caring. And, if that is true, it also means they are looking for a job somewhere else.

How about you? Where would you cast your vote on the level of employee engagement in your workplace?

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