Remembering dates…

Of is December 7th….a date which will live in infamyc…..before I go further………pause…reflect….remember…honor…weep….thank….etc..

Now. What dates matter for you? Not your personal dates. I mean at work, in your organization? You may not be the boss and in a position to throw an anniversary party for the firm but what if you could? The Marines make a big deal out or their birthday. The National Speakers Assn has “Spirit of Cavett Day” to remember its founder and further the principles of the association he started. What does your firm do, if anything?

Let’s get personal. Do you make note of employee anniversaries. Whether it is one year of service or twenty-one do you mention it and show you are paying attention? What about their birthday? We have all heard the story of the CEO who sent handwritten birthday cards to all his employees. For years he did this but then he stopped. People began to wonder what was wrong. Was he sick, were they to be fired? They missed getting their card.

Dates matter. No, actually remembering the date matters. and actually doing something is what matters most…


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