Relax, you are on vacation – maybe.

From an interesting sidebar in USAToday.

All vacations are not created equal. Some are rejuvenating, others are exhausting. To find out which vacation ingredients left workers feeling most refreshed, Austrian researchers questioned 191 people who had just returned from vacation trips. Their report, published in the Journal of Travel Medicine in 2005, said workers who felt most recuperated after their vacations had:
Visited warmer, sunnier places
Enjoyed more free time
Exercised more
Slept more
Made new acquaintances

Those who felt most exhausted had:
Suffered health problems during the trip
Traveled greater distances across time zones

So, how does your last vacation rate? Was it relaxing or not?

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One Response to “Relax, you are on vacation – maybe.”

  1. Denise Ryan Says:

    I bet those people with “health problems” had swine flu.

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