Quality People
I had a great day. I was in three meetings over the course of the day, each of them very different but each of them very rewarding. While the content of the meetings was interesting, and in the case of the first two, potentially very lucrative, the people is what made them great.
Each meeting was with positive people who are energized and excited by life and business. In each case the interaction with people was positive. Although we talked about some hard business situations I was energized by the conversations. The third meeting was with a friend who will lose his job at the end of this month but even he was great. I was particularly impressed by his deep faith. A firm Christian he is in touch with his God and he is comforted by this knowledge.
Let’s face it, some days are harder than others but one of the things we can do something about is the people we choose to spend time with. Yes, some jerks and negative people come our way but who do you seek out? Are the people you hang out with emitters of positive energy or are they sucking holes of negativity?
Sorry, but life is short. Avoid those negative people and if you can’t avoid them, figure out how to minimize your time with them and their impact on you. You will be glad you did and your life will be better because of it.
"Thanks so much for being with us... You clearly moved many folks and the commitment sheets that we are getting back are better than we had expected.... Thanks so much for the tremendous amount of effort that you put into the presentation. We fully realize what a valuable contribution this was. "
Laura Barrett
Board Member
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests