Pride and Culture

I was changing planes in Dallas today and needed to take the tram to get to another terminal. Sitting on the tram was a young Marine, a Private First Class. Next to him was an older person. Perhaps his father. I knew the answer to my question before I even asked but I wanted to be sure. “Did you graduate today?” With pride he replied, “Yes, Sir!” Earlier in the day he had completed boot camp at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island. I looked at them both and said, “Congratulations.” They were both so proud it brought a tear to my eye.

Then I offered the Marine what all Marines offer each other this time of year, “Happy Birthday.” November 10th is the Marine Corps Birthday and we take that very seriously. In fact, we throw a big party, in every clime and place, to commemorate our founding. This is one of the signature things about the Marines. We cherish our culture, we nurture it, because we know how important it is. This simply doesn’t happen in corporate America. Sure, there may be the rare firm that celebrates its founding but for the most part it doesn’t happen. This is a failure of leadership and it weakens the firm.

I didn’t fully understand all this when I first joined the Corps but I do now and I know I must continue to contribute to further it. So, I look a Marine in the eye, who I have never met and probably will never meet again, and in that moment we are reminded that we are part of a special tribe of warriors. We are both better for the exchange because we know our service transcends time and contributes to a greater good. The Marine Corps is better off because its culture is renewed and strengthened and it is this strength that enables it to win battles.

I don’t expect your people to march to the sound of the guns and put their lives on the line but wouldn’t it be nice if they shared a bond and wanted to contribute to the success of the organization? It can happen, they just need leadership.

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2 Responses to “Pride and Culture”

  1. Jeff Says:

    Strange, walking around the block at the office late last evening to clear my head I ran across 2 young Marines that had also just graduated. Not specifically thinking of the Birthday (since it was still 4 days away) I left them with a simple “Semper Fi”…

  2. Wally Adamchik Says:

    And that is all that you had to say.

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