Our changing world – free vs value vs yikes

I attended a meeting for my trade association last weekend. One of the things they repeated was how technology continues to change and how fast that is happening. One speaker challenged us to look at anything we had created before 2008 and to question if it was still relevant today and to question if it could be delivered better/differently.

This brings us to the Masters. (by now you are wondering how much mileage and how many more postings I can get from a golf event…not much more!)….

Their website had SIX live video feeds. I was able to watch on my in home wireless connection and the quality was superior. They even had screen in a screen so I could watch two at the same time! How cool is that….OH YEAH, it was free! They were giving their product away. How crazy is that? Welcome to the 21st century.

What implications does these points have for your business? I know there are several, do you?

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"...thanks for speaking to our group. I got a tremendous and favorable response to what you shared. Your enthusiasm, related to our business, resonated extremely well with all levels of management in the room. "

Eric DeFrancisco
Director of Operations
RTM Arbys.