Nothing productive today

These are the words I said to myself on the way home from dinner out with my family. I was thinking about the day and that I didn’t get any work done, thus it was not productive.

Here is what I did do. I got up at 0630 to wake my son for his field trip to the zoo. He and I went out for breakfast and I took him to school for his trip to the zoo for which I was a chaperone. Drove 90 minutes to the zoo, spent over five hours there. Drove home. Then went to the gym. Got back from that at 6:45 PM and out to dinner.

You be the judge. Was I productive? Upon further review, and just after I told myself I wasn’t, I recalibrated and told myself I had a very productive day. Yes, I may not have done any billable work but I did several meaningful and worthwhile things. This is how I am wired and I have learned to recognize when I am not giving myself credit or not thinking rightly about a situation. It has taken time for me to get here

How about you? Where have you been productive lately that you didn’t give yourself credit for?

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"Thanks for a fine presentation at UCT. I finished your book and it was a great read! After reading, I put together several pages of key points that I will try to work into my daily thought process."

Kevin Miller
Miller Pipeline