National Reading Month

Yup, yesterday was National Reading Day and March is National Reading Month. So, what are you going to do about it? Tonight the kids wanted to watch some tv and I said it was national reading month and they needed to read. They bought it! They read. Ok, they already do alot of it but they did some more tonight!

As I said yesterday, how about you? Your employees? What a great time to get a book club going! I know several firms that do this. They buy the book for people who want to attend and then once a month or so they get together to talk about it. Some do it on rainy days when they might not be able to do outside work. You get the idea.

There is plenty of research correlating reading with success. Unfortunately, many adults find reading to be a challenge but what better skill to encourage in them?

One of the things that has helped me read more is my E-Book reader. My wife bought be the Sony reader two years ago and I love it. I dont have to lug books around and I read some things I might not have bought had I not had the reader.

OH Yeah, I am working on a new book. It will take a few months but maybe your book club will be ready for a new one by Fall!

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