Mid Year Check Up
Let’s assume you had some ideas at the beginning of the year about things you wanted to accomplish. I will give you a cushion for a slow start in January. But we are almost in August. How are you doing?
My progress on losing weight hasn’t been that good. Not doing too bad on regular blogging. Etc, etc. You know how it goes. We make progress on some of our goals but some seem to get lost. Well, time to re find them!
August is just around the corner. Time to brush off that things to do list from January and get started (or restarted). We tend to look for arbitrary dates or events as triggers. I will lose weight starting January 1, I mean February 1. Did I say February. Clearly, I meant March and so it goes. How about this…start tomorrow. (Heck, why wait, start today)
I brushed off some goals a few weeks ago and feel good about the progress I am making. You can too.
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