Me, Jesse Jackson, Lebron James and you

In case you have been under a rock Lebron James is moving to the Miami Heat. The owner of his old team, the Cleveland Cavaliers is not happy. He said alot of bitter things including calling Lebron a “runaway slave.” This is where Jesse Jackson comes in to take issue with the comment. I confess, and I don’t think I have ever said this, I agree with the Reverend.

What we have here is an employee who left a company. In fact, he is taking lower money with the Heat than he would have gotten with the Cavs. Sounds like a classic case of a firm not giving someone a reason to stay.

Pundits have pontificated on why he left. I say it is to have a better chance at a championship. Ask any professional athlete (no matter how much they make) and they say winning is what matters.

Lebron left to win. Your employees want to win too. Are you giving them a chance to do it?

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