Lubricated Leadership

Forrest Lucas, 70, gained national recognition (in name anyway) when his firm, Lucas Oil, became the sponsor of the Indianapolis Colts new football stadium. He went from long-haul trucker to oil company exec. No, not Exxon type, his is a research and retail operation that does maybe a few hundred million a year in revenue.

He recounts at age 21 he often got contracted by Mayflower moving and storage. He often moved succesful people. These were company presidents and senior military officers. I would study them, he says, and all the guys who made it to the top were nice people. So, it’s part of my philosophy to be nice. I dont have a single rude person working for me. Great lesson there. Leadership is a relationship and it is much easier to build a positive relationship if you are not a jerk. Today I am with a client and that very trait characterizes the people at all levels. They are gracious gentlemen who say please and thank-you, who hold the door for you and who go last on line for food. I like working with this client. (Do you run to the chow line first or do you go last?)

A few other pearls of wisdown from Lucas. Be honest to a fault, put your employees first, use products made in the US and be fair. Honesty and take care of people. Sounds like a few chapters from my books – and many others. Read any good leadership books lately?

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