Let’s vote on it

So much has been written about the demanding and expectant nature of Gen Xers and Millenials. I could say alot about this (and do when I speak) but consider this example.

The Notre Dame football team met on Monday to take a vote as to whether they want to play in a bowl game. Since when it is the decision of the players on what games to play? Where is the leadership? Oh yeah, he got fired.

But seriously, a vote? And we wonder why kids are so demanding. Do you think they take votes in the NFL? I think not and I know they don’t take votes where I consult. This culture clash is one you must reconcile and lead in your own firms. I know you know it but you need to deal with it proactively and positively. It is not going away as much as you wish it would.

Go Irish! Go where? I don’t know, let’s take a vote.

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" ...it was one of the most dynamic and interesting talks I have ever witnessed on general leadership and effective management. I thought it was very interesting to see how you approached the topic from the bottom up -- from the grunt's perspective. This made the topic very easy for me to relate to and gave me ideas on how to develop the leaders I am responsible for."

Noel S. Salac, P.E.
Construction Engineer
Nebraska Dept. of Roads