Lessons from Golf Magazine July 2009 edition
I picked up the July 09 issue of Golf magazine at the airport yesterday. This is different because, as much as I love golf, I don’t usually read the magazine. I would rather play golf than read about it. In fact, I would rather play golf than watch it which is why I gave away my US Open tickets for next week when I got a chance to play at Kiawah, SC. The Ryder Cup has been played at Kiawah but I digress. I enjoyed reading the issue.
LESSON ONE – We evolve, we change. I was never into Golf magazine but maybe I am at a point in life and with my golf game that I am ready and willing to read it. This is the old we have never it done it that way cliché coming to rest. Maybe it is time to do something different ESPECIALLY in this economy.
At the top of the front cover is the headline, which caught my interest, What is You Golf Personality? I eagerly took the quiz. Interesting. But upon further review of the four styles I realized I was looking at the DiSC profile. You know I love that assessment and here it was again.
LESSON TWO – well validated assessments like the DiSC provide real and usable insights that can help us be more effective in life (and on the course). When you take an assessment seek to apply what you learn rather than remark that it was interesting and forget about it.
There was an interview with five time British Open champion Tom Watson. He recounted a time he was head to head with Jack Nicklaus in the final round as the lead shifted back and forth. Watson sank a 60 foot putt on the 15th hole to regain momentum. Nicklaus sank a 35 footer on 18, the crowd went wild. Watson has a few feet to win the Open and he does it. Looking back on it Watson said, “It was only after the contest that what we had achieved began to sink it.”
LESSON THREE – Live in the moment. Far too many people live in the past, longing for the good old days. Far too many other people live for the future. They tell themselves life will be better when….but when never comes. If you aren’t fully in the moment you will miss some of the best years of your life. In fact, you will miss all the years of your life.
Next time you walk by a magazine stand pick up one that you would not normally read. You might learn something but only if you are in the moment.
"Thanks for a fine presentation at UCT. I finished your book and it was a great read! After reading, I put together several pages of key points that I will try to work into my daily thought process."
Kevin Miller
Miller Pipeline