Lack of leadership is gonna cost us all
Standard and Poors just downgraded the debt rating of the United States. They are saying they have less faith in our system today then they did last week and back in April when they first warned it could happen.
When I talk with business people we generally agree that EVERY thing we know about success is not being practiced in Washington, DC. Concepts like mutual respect, consensus building, listening, vision and other things that most people consider positive and productive are nowhere near in play. Sad…Bluster and bullying along with brinkmanship and partisan garbage is what we get.
A recent survey said Americans are overwhelmingly disappointed with the debt deal. What they are REALLY disappointed in is the failure of our government to do what is right for the nation as they focus more on reelection.
I love our country. I dont love the fringe elements on both sides of aisle who are driving towards ruin. The debt crisis will not go away unless we get solid leadership working towards real solutions. I am not an economist but I know abit about leadership and I haven’t seen much of it from our “leadership” in DC.
Sorry. I had to say it…
" was one of the most dynamic and interesting talks I have ever witnessed on general leadership and effective management. I thought it was very interesting to see how you approached the topic from the bottom up -- from the grunt's perspective. This made the topic very easy for me to relate to and gave me ideas on how to develop the leaders I am responsible for."
Noel S. Salac, P.E.
Construction Engineer
Nebraska Dept. of Roads