Just a football game – how is your perspective when things go bad?

This past Saturday I was touring the invasion beaches in Normandy. I was there as part of a leadership development program we have been conducting since March. It was my third time to the area but it remains as impressive and sobering as the first time. For most of the group, this was their first visit.

This time of year in the US Saturday means college football and this group has as strong a bunch of fans as any. However, I can guarantee that college football did not go through the mind of a single person, me included, until very late that night when we were at dinner and relaxing a bit. When I got an email the next morning with the update from my wife on the Notre Dame game I simply replied,”just a game.”

This is all about perspective. Largest invasion in modern history vs. a game….hmmm…not much of a comparison really. But how often do people get all spooled up about stuff that really doesn’t matter? We see it all the time. When do you “lose it” and why? Chances are when you look back on those times they don’t look anywhere near as big a deal as you made them at the time.

I remember returning from SERE (survival, evasion, resistance and escape) school when I was in the Marines. A better term for this would be POW school. Not a fun place (mentally or physically). A lady sitting in the row behind me on the plane was complaining about having to get up so early blah, blah, blah.. I was thinking I was happy to be clean and not being forced (again) into a box the size of a large footlocker!


What you do is important and you should care about doing it well. You should be passionate. But you probably can do a better job of keeping it in perspective. If you are having a hard time, just visit a battlefield cemetery near you….

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"Unbelievable, surprising, entertaining… What a great example to have the speaker use actual comments from the President's monthly letter to the membership to drive home his point…"

David A. Bass
Director of Monthly Programs –
New Jersey MPI