Last week I spoke for the Pennsylvania Aggregates Association. The meeting was at Penn State. Great group. I talked to a few hundred people about decision making and how to teach people to do it better.
The speaker the evening before me was Joe Battista or as he is know in the area “JoBa.” That nickname is a riff on JoPa, as in Joe Paterno. JoBa coached hockey at PSU for a number of years and delivered 6 national titles. Pretty solid and certainly worth a nickname.
His presentation was loaded with those truths we all know but often forget. He was genuine and a pleasure to be with. He is a credit to the University and a guy you like to spend time witih. When asked about the scandal at Ohio State he commented that he hoped if Tyrell Pryor had come to Penn State the outcome would have been different. A very gracious comment.
Joe is very conscious about his role as an ambassador for Penn State. How about you? and your employees? Does your behavior reflect well on your firm? Does it make people want to do business with you?
“Fantastic, interesting, well worth my time.”
Derek Wortham
Vice President
H&H Insurance