Is your belly on fire?

FireStarter is all about passion. Inspired leaders create inspired employees. Good things happen after that…I was with a good friend yesterday, actually he is on my Board of Directors, and he was talking about a new product. He was speaking with passion, he clearly has a fire in the belly. I know how he feels. The new book is getting really close to being published.

Golf magazine just did a piece on current world number one golfer Luke Donald. Here is how they put it ..prepared for 2011 by hitting the gym, tweaking his swing, and taking a sabbatical. When he returned…looked and sounded like a welterweight fighter fixing for a fight. He was more opinionated, with more meat on his bones and fire in his belly

In other words he was excited about his work and had put in the required effort to be at the top of his game. Have you? Have you “hit the gym” so to speak for your profession. I was with a client today who talked about taking the time before New Years to review his old assessments and personality reports to calibrate his goals for the next year. Do you have written down goals for next year?

One other thing. When asked if he got frustrated over his years on tour without a big win Luke Donald replied, I’ve never seen a champion who hasn’t lost. You have to lose to find out what you need to improve.

Is your success rate too high? If you always hit your goal you may be setting the bar too low. Champions do lose but they come back.  What do you need to improve. For me?  My lead tracking process needs work. I have the technology, just need to maintain the discipline. Working on that (and my golf game!)

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