In Praise of a REAL day off
I am in Vancouver this week. I spoke to one group Monday and Tuesday, then on Thursday and Friday to another group. The client combined the two on Wednesday for some technical training. I had the day off. Of course I couldn’t go home so I made the best of it.
I played golf. I actually played 36 holes – I did have the entire day off! Even when I am at home a day off isn’t fully a day off. There are the demands of family etc. This was a total day off. Yes, I could have stayed in the hotel and worked but I took the day. And, I enjoyed the day.
I met some people on the course and learned about them. I played OK, it was the first full round since December. And I didn’t check email until the evening.
Every year we try to get my wife to go somewhere by herself. This is the only way she gets a real day off too. We all need this from time to time but in our hyper stressed, time crunched society I don’t think people really do this very much. I encourage it.
Today I got word from a buddy who took the day to play golf with his daughter. He works on Wall Street and amidst all the carnage and stress there he took a day off. He had a great day. He didn’t do chores he did something he enjoys with someone he loves.
Take a day, enjoy the day. I am glad I did. You will be too.
"I have received so many very positive comments about your workshop. Most importantly, the evaluations and the one-on-one feedback indicate that the participants picked up information and tips that they plan to apply both in their business and in their chapters."
E. Colette Nelson, Executive Vice President, American Subcontractors Association