I dont do nothing well

On short notice I had knee surgery on Friday AM. It is Sunday and I have been spending most of my time in bed. Resting, sleeping, eating. I think I have gained 4 pounds. I am bored. I am bored despite reading a manual on how to scuba dive, getting some work done, playing words with friends and sleeping and eating. Wait, I already mentioned those two…

A couple of meniscus tears that were starting to cause more pain and problems than they had in the previous few years so I got them removed. (the tears not the entire menisci. not ready for that yet. maybe 5 years). Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things but certainly an annoying, and painful, inconvenience right now.

I am an active person. I am not good at doing nothing. But I am making a go of it…Looking forward to being back to normal, so to speak.

In the meantime, you can find me on Facebook.

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"As a result of the session you delivered to my group, using “No Yelling” as the guide we have experienced an exceptional start to our 2009 construction season. Safety as usual is paramount, and our production rates have exceeded even my high expectations. There has been a positive shift in ownership from all that attended, which leads me to believe we could have the same success if we did the same kind of training with our front line labor force."

Bob Peeke
Construction Manager
Alberta Highway Services Ltd.