How much are you REALLY worth?
Sageworks Inc regularly analyzes the financial data from privately held firms. Here is the latest…
The private companies surveyed by Sageworks reported that their profits per employee climbed to $15,278.72 in 2011 from
$12,488.02 in 2010, a rise of about 22 percent for the year. The figures for 2010, in turn, represented an increase of about 24 percent from the 2009 profits per employee, which were $10,045.56.
We are doing more with less it would appear. Plenty of implications here from less of a need to hire to employee overload… but let’s bring it back to you.
How much are you contributing? Is your firm getting its money’s worth from you?
“Wally has lots of energy, is passionate, and keeps your attention.”
Christy Kovac
Sheridan Construction