How many friends can you have?

I read yesterday that the average person can really only keep about 200 relationships going at any one time. This comes from anthropologists studying the human brain.

The average Facebook user has 130 friends but regularly interacts with only 7 of them which kind of supports that theory.

OK, let’s extend this to leadership and business. I have a nice sized contact list of businesses I have done work with but it does seem to be the usual suspects (who I am very grateful for) who I interact with most. Might my business benefit more by being more intentional about personally keeping in touch? Hmm. What about your business?

Now, on the leadership side. Again, there is a small circle of people you choose to see and interact with. Others outside that circle can feel neglected and the victims of favoritism. Beyond that, at some point, for you to expand your influence and impact you need supporters who will follow you and respond to you. If you have only been interacting with seven people with any regularity you may be missing something.

Quality counts over quantity but I am suggesting we can increase the quantity while not sacrificing quality.

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