How late is late?
Remember old, unofficial, rule in college that if the professor was fifteen minutes late the class was cancelled? Why cant medical people figure that out too?
Today I was thirty-five minutes late getting into my appointment. I was in the waiting room five minutes prior to the appointed time. I was ignored the entire time. Nobody said the Doc was running a bit late. You know the drill.
My clients would not be as tolerant of that and I am pretty sure yours would not also. A few minutes late? Sure, happens. No Problem, but if you know you are running 30 minutes late how ’bout a courtesy call.
I have to see this Doc again. If she is late again you can be sure I will be mentioning it. The problem with most clients is they simply leave us when they have had enough?
What about employees? Are you late for meetings with employees. Not good. Consider the message that sends to them. It tells them they don’t matter. Not a good motivational strategy.
“Wally has lots of energy, is passionate, and keeps your attention.”
Christy Kovac
Sheridan Construction