How do you handle mistakes?
Last week saw me in 4 cities in 4 days so I was unable to post last week. Clearly there was a great deal in the news with Ike and Wall Street but I want to point out NFL referee Ed Hochuli.
In case you missed it, he blew a call. He got it wrong and it changed the game. I am very sensitive when it comes to sports officials as my Mom was the first women to referee a basketball game at Madison Square Garden and was one of the refs on the first womens collegiate national championship. (etc etc). Mom always used to say that as a game official you can only be 50% right. The other side will always want the call to go the other way. Well, last weekend Hochuli (who has done several Super Bowls and is a fine ref) was 100% wrong, confirmed by video.
Since then he has apologized and replied personally to the many hate emails he has received. I consider his actions to be those of a man of class and character. How often do we make mistakes in our own lives and then do nothing about it to remedy the wrong as best we can. Hochuli can’t change the call he made but he did take responsibility for his actions. Our world would be much better off if more people did that.
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