How bout them training dollars!?
From BNET business news
In the last three years, training budgets have fallen by nearly 25 percent, and the training budget is often one of the first things to get cut when companies are economizing. However, business experts almost unanimously point out how unwise such cuts are to the health of a company. The most valuable asset a firm has is its staff, especially when it is trying to do more with less. This article (see the article) cites the storage management firm CitiStorage as a prime example of the value of great training. The company decided that everyone at the firm should be trained, not just customer service representatives. Though this involved a non-trivial expense, CitiStorage quickly found that the investment more than paid off. The training gave each employee a better understanding of their own work, and how that work integrated with everyone else’s. Employees started giving each other more feedback. With greater insight into the dependencies of their organization, they could better anticipate potential problems. The author notes CitiStorage’s customers got the impression that the company had taken on more staff, thanks to the greater involvement, commitment, and creativity received from the same staff.
just sayin!
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