Hey, I just got certified!
In what? is your next question…
I just got word I passed my oral exam and am now a Certified Management Consultant (CMC). What is that? is your next question…well, here ya go – in the words of the Institute of Management Consultants.
The Certified Management Consultant (CMC) designation is awarded to a select group of consultants (only 10,000 worldwide) who have demonstrated that they produce substantive results, adhere to the IMC USA canon of ethics, and manage their practices professionally.
IMC USA participates in the 44-nation International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI), which sets the global standards of technical competence and professional conduct. CMCs must maintain this level of performance and stay current with global standards to be able to renew their certification every 3 years.
Hiring a Certified Management Consultant means that you and your project will benefit from a consultant who demonstrates of the highest level of competence, as well as:
A history of results and excellent performance. Evidence of that successful track record is found in client testimonials, references, and repeat business, all of which are required to maintain their CMC certification.
Adherence to the highest ethical standards of the profession. Your CMC has successfully completing both written and oral ethics examinations covering commitments to the client, to fiscal responsibility, to the public, and to the profession.
Experience in the field. A minimum of three years of continuous consulting and successful results are required for certification.
Life-long professional education. Your CMC takes advantage of IMC USA’s national conferences, local workshops, topical research, the Academy for Professional Development, newsletters, and other chapter-level offerings.
A reference network for challenging client problems. They can utilize IMC USA’s national database, local chapter reference sources, and the combined wisdom of the knowledge management created and maintained within IMC USA membership.
All these give you confidence in knowing that the consultant you’ve chosen has passed the toughest certification in the profession and that the same professionalism will be demonstrated to you.
The process of getting certified enabled me to look at my consulting work and see where I can improve. We are already incorporating some new techniques in our work because of this focus.
As much as I talk about professional development and getting better at what we do, it feels good to walk the talk and tell you that it is worth the effort.
What are you working towards?
"Thanks for a fine presentation at UCT. I finished your book and it was a great read! After reading, I put together several pages of key points that I will try to work into my daily thought process."
Kevin Miller
Miller Pipeline