Happy Thanksgiving

These are tumultuous times. Our economy continues to frustrate. Change surrounds us, and that can be disorienting. Yet, the coming weeks present us with important holidays and the chance to reconnect to old family traditions that transcend the confusion of the day.

I know that these holidays can be filled with emotions–some good, some not so good, some petty. I accept that and hope you do, too. But, realize that we need not repeat the same old scene. I encourage you to make these holidays special, to write a new script in the book of your life, rather than replay the old one. Some of you will challenge that: How can we create special times in the face of foreclosures, layoffs, and debt? I can’t answer that for you, but I know blessings abound and surround us – when we pause long enough to look for them.

These holidays can bring out the best in people. And, to thrive in the face of change, you’ll want to be your best all the time–not just in November and December. So, use this festive period as a jumping-off point for getting your attitude primed to carry you through whatever the coming months may bring.

The coming weeks will be loaded with shopping, parties, and Things to Do. Don’t even try to get to them all; it will just stress you out. Instead, do what you enjoy the most—whether it’s decorating the yard, taking the kids skating, or calling that friend you only get to talk to a couple times a year. Then, carry that positive feeling into the New Year. Resolve to make 2009 outstanding!

I am thankful to live in this great nation. And Thank you for your support. Thank you for your business. Thank you for the opportunity to share some ideas with you over the course of the year.

Thank you.

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