Godspeed Atlantis
Just got back from Kennedy Space Center where we watched Atlantis take off for
space. WOW……Another wow was the visitors center and space center tour we
did on Wednesday. It was one of those proud to be an American moments for me.
We were fortunate enough to have a connection with the Marine Colonel who is
the shuttle pilot this trip. He hooked us up. We had a great view from 6 miles
out. We saw, heard and felt the launch. We went down on the night of the 4th
and came back the night of the ninth. Would have liked to have a few more days
away but between the holiday and school starting tomorrow we did all we could.
It would have been easy to not go….isnt that often the case?
Is there anything you have been thinking about doing but simply havent gotten the
full motivation to make your move? What are you waiting for? We honestly have
no idea when America will lauch an astronaut into space again. (This is a point
of contention for me…)…I am glad we went. What about you…
"Thanks for a fine presentation at UCT. I finished your book and it was a great read! After reading, I put together several pages of key points that I will try to work into my daily thought process."
Kevin Miller
Miller Pipeline