Four days at Pinehurst
Just got back from four days at Pinehurst….I know what you are thinking,,”Oh, must have been nice…all that golf.” Yeah, was a bit tougher than that.
Here is the daily agenda..0530 – 1130 meetings.1130 -1230 lunch. 1230 – 1730 golf (competitive). 1930 -2100 dinner. 2100 – 2300 evening activities (competitive). Not an agenda for the weak!
At first glance this can appear crazy, and by most measures it is! BUT. This event does a great deal to solidify the cohesion of this team. This event also serves to cull people from the team. I know that sounds harsh but this team is all about excellence. They work hard, play hard and they do both to win.
And win they do..They are among THE MOST profitable firms at what they do. Their performance is among the very best in the nation.
The big question for them was what are we going to change to get better at what we do? The economy is a challenge but they will not use it as an excuse. They worked hard to identify things to improve and are now working on solutions. Each attendee was asked. “What will you do differently this year to help us succeed?”
Great question. If these guys, who are the best at what they do, are asking the question, we all should be asking the question.
By the way. We played Number Two, Pine Needles, Number Four and Tobacco Road. My scores were 86, 85, 84, 90. No complaints.
"Thanks for a fine presentation at UCT. I finished your book and it was a great read! After reading, I put together several pages of key points that I will try to work into my daily thought process."
Kevin Miller
Miller Pipeline